ASKEYGEEK Disclaimer Disclaimer is a website since 2012 helping users with free resources on Excel, RPA, AI, Digital Marketing and other Tech tools to make the most out of Technology. A common question we often get asked is why do you offer everything for free? And it’s usually followed up with how do you make money?

So we’re creating this page to answer How is funded, and Why it matters to you!

Why is Free?

As a student, beginner or small business, you often don’t have a large budget to spend on tools and training. However those two things are crucial for success.

We started in 2012 with a single goal: make Microsoft Office automation solutions and tips widely available to all. Since then, we have been providing automation, digital marketing and digital transformation solutions and consulting through that are easy to understand and most importantly are 100% free.

Our goal is to help people understand the technology in a layman’s language and accessible to all.

Simply put, we created to offer users what we wish we had when we first started out.

How Is Funded?

We have always believed in being honest and transparent with our audience. In our opinion, that’s the only way to build a community.

Running a popular website like that helps thousands of users every month requires significant investment. Both on the server infrastructure part as well as on the content creation part.

Our team creates and maintains thousands of free written WordPress tutorials and hundreds of free videos tutorials.

So yes, we have to make money otherwise we would have to shut the site down. Below are two primary sources that fund

Our Products

Over the years, we have created several premium Tools to help you improve your website and grow your business.

When you purchase any of our Tools (like AI Text-To-Speech Premium), it helps us fund

We really appreciate everyone in the community who use and support our tools. Thank you.

Referral Fees

We earn referral fees when you buy services from companies that we recommend.

We only recommend products, services or courses that we believe will add value to our readers. We thorougly test and use all products that we recommend. All opinions are our own, and we do not accept payments for positive reviews.

This monetization method is called affiliate marketing. The biggest brands on the internet offer affiliate programs such as Amazon, eBay, Google, etc. Many of your favorite sites use affiliate marketing to pay the bills.

The only difference is that not everyone tell their users how they make money.

Sometimes you will see banner ads from Google AdSense:

Other times, you will see a special link unique to each website that track referrals such as:

The Ultimate Excel VBA Userform with Access Database

When you click on these link, you are tagged with a special cookie to track the referral. If you end up buying the Course, then they pay us a referral fee.

The referral fees vary for each product. For a RPA book that you may buy at, we might earn $1. For an Excel Course from Udemy, we might earn $2.

Question #1 – Will it Cost Me More Money?

No, absolutely not. In most cases, our deals will actually save you money.

Because is an authority website, a lot of vendors offer our readers exclusive discounts.

For example, if you were to purchase RPA Certification using UI Path from Edureka, you would normally pay $450. However if you purchase it by using our referral link, you will get 30% off.

Please check out our Offers section to find more deals.

Question #2 – Do You See My Personal Details?

Nope. We don’t see any personal information i.e name, email, address, credit card, etc.

The only thing we see is that an anonymous user made a purchase on date/time and which product they bought.

How Can You Help Us?

Sites like takes a lot of investment to operate. Also we have a paid programmers, writers, and editors etc.

That’s why we need your help. Below are few ways you can help us:

Why Should You Help Us?

There are several so-called “experts” selling Excel, VBA, RPA, AI, Digital Marketing training, courses, tips, formulas, codes etc. for hundreds of dollars – most of which you can find for free here at

There are also tons of bloggers that write fake positive reviews without ever testing the product / service only because they want to make a quick referral fee.

At, we are a People First company. We treat our team like family, and our readers best interest is our #1 priority.

All our tutorials are free because our goal at is to level the playing field for learners, students, and small businesses, so they can grow and compete with the big guys.

If you’ve found to be helpful, then we hope that you will help support us, so we can continue working towards our mission.

Thank you for support.

Anson Antony

Founder of

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