This RPA Journey tutorial specifically focuses on the RPA Implementation Process or the Steps to be followed during the RPA implementation process.I hope you have already read the Ultimate RPA Guide for Beginners before proceeding with this tutorial. If not, I would suggest you have a quick glance on the same. The Ultimate RPA Guide for Beginners is for the absolute beginners who wants to know everything about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in a layman’s language.From the inception to the saturation there are multiple stages to be passed through in this journey. This RPA implementation methodology has been prepared after a few years of research and studies. I have tried to cover all the aspects in this tutorial.
Follow the below step by step instructions for a successful
RPA implementation.
First thing first! I would like to consider RPA implementation as a journey rather than a Project.Identify the Automation Opportunities
- Rule Driven Processes
- Repetitive Processes
- Data entry Processes
- Volumes Driven Processes
- Frequent human errors
Otimizar os processos identificados
Build Business Case for the RPA Journey
- Why does this automation require?
- What are the benefits because of this automation
- What are the pain areas that can be removed because of the automation?
- Identify the extended impacts of this automation; process that might affect this RPA automation
- Define the metrics to measure the automated process
- Define the span of control ratio between the bot and human
- What is the plan of action for re-deploying the existing resources after automation
Seleção do fornecedor de RPA
- Tecnologia
- Interface
- Gerenciamento
- Segurança
- Preços
Desenvolvimento de RPA piloto
- How long should your pilot be?
- Plan for the programming/development
- Plan for the change management
- Plan for the pilot launch
- Plan for the risk management during the pilot stage.
- Evaluate ‘What Went Well’ and ‘What Could Have Been Better”
Ramp up and Continue Building Expertise RPA bots
- Process
- Business Challenge
- Solutions used
- Business benefit: Human work saved, ROI achieved, Accuracy achieved, Time saved, Peak volume handled in terms of SLA etc.
- Other processes in scope of automation after the Pilot RPA implemented.
I have summarized these RPA Implementation steps in the below Infographics, feel free to share it!
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This is one of the best RPA articles I have read and the process is self-explanatory looking at the approach.
A plataforma Infrrd AI converte dados não estruturados em formato estruturado e ajuda os clientes de RPA a obter mais valor de seus investimentos.
Nossa tecnologia de reconhecimento de imagem e OCR reduz drasticamente essas alterações para garantir que você obtenha um ROI mais alto de seus investimentos em RPA
Great insights shared on the various stages of RPA implementation. If you can share the learning model of RPA as well, it would be of good help.
Hello Anson
Really appreciate the effort for this useful blog.I am also a IT Consultant,works in one of the MNC in Bangalore.
Thanks for the valuable information on RPA.