Hoja de trabajo protegida con contraseña: código VBA para proteger la hoja de trabajo con contraseña al cerrar

Código VBA para proteger la hoja de trabajo con contraseña al cerrar
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Password Protect Worksheet on Close with VBA (with Images)

Qué Lo es:

When you want others to only view the workbook data and no editing should be permitted then you have to make sure you protect the workbook with password while closing it. So that even if someone tries to edit the data it will ask for the password unless they input the password data will not be editable.

The manual way of doing the same is

RevisarProtect Sheet and then Ahorrar workbook.

Password Protect

Por qué Lo es:

If you make frequent updates in the workbook then Every time when you make changes in the workbook you have to make sure you protect it while closing. Some day if you forget to protect then the data will be editable by others.

The below VBA code will help you to protect the workbook automatically while closing the workbook. That means you don’t have to protect it manually everything when you make changes in the workbook.

Cómo to password protect with VBA upon Close:

Step 1: Open the workbook that need to be protected and press Alt + F11

Paso 2: copie y pegue el siguiente código en la ventana del editor de VBA y guarde el libro.

Sub privado Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Sheets(“Sheet1″).Protect Password:=”Your Password Here”   ‘Replace “Sheet1” with your sheet name and “Your Password Here” with the password of your choice.


Subtítulo final

Nota: Workbook should be saved in a macro enabled format (.xlm, .xlsm, .xlsb etc.) also make sure you protect the VBA code as well. 🙂

That’s It Now Onward your Data will be Safe Always!!

Picture of Anson Antony
anson antonio
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