रोबोटिक प्रक्रिया स्वचालन प्रशिक्षण


3 Robotic Process Automation Training Stages

This is in continuation to the previously published 2 exclusive tutorials related to Robotic Process Automation (First of its kind on the web).

1. रोबोटिक प्रक्रिया स्वचालन Complete Overview
2. रोबोटिक प्रोसेस ऑटोमेशन का उपयोग करने वाली कंपनियाँ

After I published the above mentioned 2 successful articles on RPA, people started contacting me to know more about Robotic Process Automation Training, Robotic Process Automation Certification, Robotic Process Automation Courses etc.

When I get enquires from my readers I research more on those topics on various sources to give the best in class result. So I can guarantee even this article is also an exclusive one, as you won’t find the information gathered here anywhere else on the web.

**UPDATE** When I was publishing this article in 2017 there were hardly any books available related to Robotic Process Automation, other than the 2 mentioned below. However, now in 2018, in a matter 1 year there are whole lot of books available on Robotic Process Automation Training, Implementation and so on. You just have to search for Robotic Process Automation Books in Amazon and you will find a list of books available on RPA.

Also, there are many training institutes and academies provides RPA certification courses. You can find a details list here! Check the आरपीए प्रशिक्षण under each RPA vendor

Robotic Process Automation Training Stage 1: Understanding RPA

There are hardly any books available on the subject Robotic Process Automation, however since 2013 IRPAAI (Institute for Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence) have been offering advises to their customers on how to implement robotic process automation on several domains.

They also have an e-book published on robotic process automation, this book definitely gives some clarity around the various aspects of RPA as an introductory robotic process automation training material. Below will be your learnings after you go through this guide:

1. Introduction to Robotic Process Automation: a Primer

  • Difference between RPA and traditional automation
  • Clarity on RPA and its consequences on the meaning of work
  • Scope of RPA in terms of reducing labor cost and increasing efficiency and accuracy
  • Impact of RPA in the outsourcing industry and on the employment rate in general
  • Who is already using RPA and how it fits particularly well in the healthcare, finance, and insurance sectors

टिप्पणी: Refer List of companies already using Robotic Process Automation.

  • Steps to be taken before jumping into implementing RPA as the solution.

There is a Kindle Edition of this book available for the new generation readers since June 2015.

रोबोटिक प्रक्रिया स्वचालन प्रशिक्षणPin
Introduction To Robotic Process Automation: A Primer

2. One more book I could found was RPA Robotic Process Automation: Business and Business at the Speed of Light

This book claims to be the first Brazilian book on RPA and one of the first in the world.  And the books talks more about the importance of automation/RPA, Scope of RPA & how everything links to the speed of light.

Seems to be a worth read based on the summary provided by the author Rogério Figurelli. The only challenge is this book is available in the Portuguese Edition. I have manged to read the summary with the help of Google Translate.

Reason I mentioned about this book here because I do have readers from Portugal, Brazil and Angola. You might get benefited.

Robotic Process Automation CertificationPin
Rpa Robotic Process Automation: Business And Business At The Speed Of Light

Robotic Process Automation Training Stage 2: Understanding the RPA Tools and Vendors

Now that you know what is RPA? , scope of it, how to implement etc. its time to get familiar with the Robotic Process Automation Tools and Vendors.

I have already covered this part in: Robotic Process Automation Complete Overview [Tools,Vendors,Jobs etc.] , so go ahead read this and come back to this page to know more about Robotic Process Automation Courses in Stage 3.

Robotic Process Automation Training Stage 3: Hands on with RPA Tools

As you have learned in the previous stage there are multiple vendors and tools are available for robotic process automation. Many of these vendors also provide direct training on their tools also provide trial versions of the tool for the aspirants to try out.

Get the RPA big picture from a top-ranked UiPath MVP!⇊

There are also few institutes providing courses on specific robotic process automation tools.

List of Institutes providing Robotic Process Automation Training Courses.

टिप्पणी: I do not have any affiliation or connections with any of these institutes or trainers and neither have I attended their training.  These are some of the institutes came across as part of my research on robotic process automation training and thought of sharing with my readers if someone gets benefited out of it.

  1. Tek Classes

They provide training on Blue Prism, UiPath and Automation Anywhere (3 separate courses with course certificate). A detailed course over overview available on the website with Key Features, Curriculum etc. and also a Course Preview Video.

Both Instructor LED Online Training and Self-Paced Video Learning are available on the above mentioned rpa tools.

Robotic Process Automation CoursesPin
Robotic Process Automation Courses
  1. Next Space

Next Space provides 3 days full time or 20 days part time RPA training on some of the below RPA Tools. Both online and classroom training options are available. There is a generic overview about the training is available on the website but nothing specific on the tools.

Interested candidates can get in touch with the institute.

Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, Contextor, EdgeVerve Systems, Kofax, Kryon Systems, NICE, Pegasystems, Redwood Software, Softomotive, UiPath, WorkFusion

  1. eKnowledge Infotech

They provide 4 weeks class room or online training on below Robotic Process Automation tools:

Blue Prism, UiPath, Automation Anywhere

There is a brief description available on training, trainer and what you can expect out of this training.

  1. Open Source Technologies

They provide Robotics Process Automation Training in Hyderabad, India. They have seprate courses for Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, UiPath and Open Span.

A Course Content PDF available on the website which is free to download and also can request for a demo.

  1. Hope Tutors

They provide online and class room training on Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, UiPath and Open Span. A detailed course curriculum available on the website and even you can directly call them to have free demo session on the training they provide.

Looking forward to your feedback on training and drop me a note if you know there are other institutes providing robotic process automation training across the globe. So that I’ll get it added to the list.

Picture of Anson Antony
एंसन एंटनी
एंसन एक योगदानकर्ता लेखक और संस्थापक हैं www.askeygeek.com. कुछ भी नया सीखना हमेशा से उनका जुनून रहा है, ASKEYGEEK.com प्रौद्योगिकी और व्यवसाय के प्रति उनके जुनून का परिणाम है। उन्हें बिजनेस प्रोसेस आउटसोर्सिंग, वित्त और लेखा, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, परिचालन उत्कृष्टता और बिजनेस इंटेलिजेंस में एक दशक का बहुमुखी अनुभव मिला है। कार्यकाल के दौरान, उन्होंने विभिन्न भूमिकाओं और जिम्मेदारियों में जेनपैक्ट, हेवलेट पैकर्ड, एम*मोडल और कैपजेमिनी जैसे संगठनों के लिए काम किया था। व्यवसाय और प्रौद्योगिकी के अलावा, वह फिल्मों के शौकीन हैं, जो सिनेमा देखने और सीखने में घंटों बिताते हैं और एक फिल्म निर्माता भी हैं!

21 Responses

  1. Hello
    Thank you for sharing the information. This is the great informative article thant I found. RPA is a software that creates software robots. Representing the future of process automation in enterprises as well as outsourcing entities, RPA takes into account that the world is moving increasingly towards automating tasks that are better performed by computers and allowing the human workforce to focus their attention on tasks that require creativity, judgment, and personal interaction. An aspirant of RPA professional may learn complete concepts of RPA tool via RPA training.

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