R Command to create an R File
R Command for creating an R file
Quoi est-ce :
R is a free software programming language used in the field of statistical computing and graphics. This program is mainly used by Statisticians and Data Analysts. User created packages like ggplot2 (graphical), Sweave(reporting) etc. can be integrated with R, which makes R programming so powerful.Pin
In this r programming tutorial/post we are discussing how to create an R file using R command.
Pourquoi ?
When you are working in the programming environment having the ability to use the commands for creating or manipulating the files is always useful.
: Si vous ne connaissez pas votre répertoire actif, vérifiez-le à l'aide de la commande ci-dessous.
Step 2: Now create a file in the active directory using the below R command.
**replace the “mytestFile” with your actual file name you want to create.
Note: Make sure you are using the command after the ‘>' symbole.